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16:1  As to the collection for God's people, what I have directed the Churches of Galatia to do, you must do also.
16:2  On the first day of every week let each of you put on one side and store up at his home whatever gain has been granted to him; so that whenever I come, there may then be no collections going on.
16:3  And when I am with you, whatever brethren you accredit by letter I will send to carry your kind gift to Jerusalem.
16:4  And if it is worth while for me also to make the journey, they shall go as my companions.
16:5  I shall come to you after passing through Macedonia; for my plan will be to pass through Macedonia;
16:6  and I shall make some stay with you perhaps, or even spend the winter with you, in order that you may help me forward, whichever way I travel.
16:7  For I do not wish to see you on this occasion merely in passing; but if the Lord permits, I hope to remain some time with you.
16:8  I shall remain in Ephesus, however, until the time of the Harvest Festival,
16:9  for a wide door stands open before me which demands great efforts, and we have many opponents.
16:10  If Timothy pays you a visit, see that he is free from fear in his relations with you; for he is engaged in the Master's work just as I am.
16:11  Therefore let no one slight him, but all of you should help him forward in peace to join me; for I am waiting for him and others of the brethren.
16:12  As for our brother Apollos, I have repeatedly urged him to accompany the brethren who are coming to you: but he is quite resolved not to do so at present. He will come, however, when he has a good opportunity.
16:13  Be on the alert; stand firm in the faith; acquit yourselves like men; be strong.
16:14  Let all that you do be done from motives of love.
16:15  And I beseech you, brethren--you know the household of Stephanas, how they were the earliest Greek converts to Christ, and have devoted themselves to the service of God's people--
16:16  I beseech you, on your part, to show deference to such men, and to every one who participates in their work and toils hard.
16:17  It is a joy to me that Stephanas, Fortunatus and Achaicus have now arrived, because what was wanting so far as you are concerned they have supplied.
16:18  They have refreshed my spirit, and yours. Acknowledge such men as these.
16:19  The Churches in the province of Asia send you greetings; and Aquila and Prisca, in hearty Christian love, do the same, together with the Church which meets at their house.
16:20  The brethren all send greetings to you. Greet one another with a holy kiss.
16:21  The final greeting of me--Paul--with my own hand.
16:22  If any one is destitute of love to the Lord, let him be accursed. OUR LORD IS COMING.
16:23  The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you.
16:24  My love in Christ Jesus be with you all.